Tag Archives: aprovechar

Life’s Motto (momentarily)

Buenos Aires has been my home for the past six months and there are two simple words in which I have been living by. These two words have become my mantra day by day, because that is the way I can survive down here. My newfound motto is something that is unusual for me, especially for those who know me well.  I am not forward but a reticent individual.  There are limits and exceptions  regarding my motto but exhibiting this, sure feels damn good in the end. 

No, I have not endangered any self-dignity or respect by breathing in and out the motto. And respect for others has not been lost, as well. It has been a whirlwind of experiences for which I am so grateful and as I said before, this motto is how I pull through down here.  Curiosity killing the cat already?

 No shame –  my life revolves around these 7 letters (and one space). I hope my my motto doesn’t let anyone down, because it hasn’t for me yet, rather it has surpassed my expectations. No shame when speaking Spanish. No shame telling someone you don’t know the answer. No shame when I get angry for someone ripping me off and confronting him/her.  No shame in telling someone I don’t have any monedas (coins) when in reality I do and no shame in getting really excited when someone hands me monedas (ask if you want to know…).  No shame in asking a person to repeat something several times. No shame in asking for what you want. The list is infinite, but the most important is as follows – have no shame that your motto is no shame.  Living by this has enriched my experience and ultimately makes me happier at the end of the day.  I have been learning more Spanish. I haven’t been getting ripped off. I have been living a less stressful life in a more stressful environment. I’ve been living life with no shame, and I am proud of it!

Essential Side Note:  “APROVECHAR” is the motto of 2009 among my friends down here in Buenos Aires, but it suits anyone and should be applied in every situation. 

 V. To make good use of; to take advantage of  (i.e Let’s aprovechar tonight, We definitely aprovechar-ed in the city of Buenos Aires, I am ready for some aprovechar-ing at the club.)


Filed under Argentine Way, daily activity, thoughts